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Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Columbus

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney

“When I do a Chapter 13 analysis, I aim to give you instant gratification. I put all your information – your house, your car, all these things – into a spreadsheet. I calculate your plan payment while we speak on the phone or within minutes. So, not only have I done a consultation, but I’ve also given you immediate insight into your bankruptcy plan. You may pay as low as one penny on the dollar for your unsecured debt. Even if you owe $500,000, you could pay as little as $100 a month split among your general unsecured creditors.”
– Scott Needleman, Attorney

Chapter 13 bankruptcy offers a lifeline to higher-income people who need to reorganize their debt. Our experienced team provides personalized solutions, helping you retain your assets while paying back a portion of your debt over time. We guide you through the entire process, from initial consultation to successfully completing your repayment plan.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer in Columbus: Why Choose Needleman Law

  • Over 30 years of experience in bankruptcy law
  • Instant calculation of your potential Chapter 13 plan payment during the consultation
  • Advanced skills in handling complex debt situations
  • Ability to significantly reduce your debt burden
  • Flexible options for remote consultations and court appearances

15 Minutes to Feel Better

Pricing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy With Our Firm:

We typically file Chapter 13 cases for an upfront fee plus court costs. The remainder of our fees are included in your Chapter 13 plan payment, making our services more accessible when you need them most.

Comprehensive 7-Step Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process

Our streamlined Chapter 13 bankruptcy process requires only one in-person visit to our office to sign your final paperwork. All other steps, including the initial consultation, document submission, and even your court appearance, can be conducted remotely via phone, email, or Zoom, allowing you to navigate most of the bankruptcy process from the comfort of your own home.

Initial Consultation

Contact our office for a free telephone consultation and provide detailed financial information.

Plan Calculation

Receive an instant calculation of your potential Chapter 13 plan payment during the consultation.

Plan Review

Review and discuss the proposed plan with our experienced attorneys.

Case Initiation

Start your case with the initial payment and submit required documentation.

Petition Filing

We file your Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition with the court.

Creditors Meeting

Attend the 341 creditors’ meeting, typically conducted remotely.

Plan Execution

Begin making payments according to your approved plan. Stay current with your payments over the 3-5 year plan period, after which you’ll successfully complete your plan and receive your discharge.

Related Services

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 can offer relief while often allowing you to keep your house and car.

Debt settlement

We can negotiate with creditors to reduce your overall debt without filing for bankruptcy.

Student loan law

While student loans are typically non-dischargeable, we can help incorporate them into your Chapter 13 plan to make them more manageable.

FAQ’s About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a reorganization plan that allows you to pay back a portion of your debts over 3-5 years while keeping your assets.

Generally, individuals with a regular income that exceeds Median Income may need to file Chapter 13 instead of Chapter 7.

The amount varies based on your income, expenses, and types of debt. In some cases, you may pay as little as 1% of your unsecured debts.

Payments are typically made through wage orders, where the payment is withheld directly from your paycheck and sent to the trustee.

Secured debts like car loans are paid through your Chapter 13 plan, often allowing you to keep the asset while catching up on payments.

Step Toward a Brighter Future and Debt Relief With Columbus Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Help

At The Needleman Law Office, I understand how financial problems can negatively impact you and your family which is why I am committed to helping you find a solution. Contact the office today by calling 614-575-1188 so that we can discuss your legal options for filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy and start you on the path to a brighter, debt-free future.

Free Virtual Debt Relief Consultation:
Feel better in 15 minutes or less.